Library book sale haul

diagram of the books I bought at the library sale

Every year, I look forward to the library book sale. It’s my favorite. Rooms full of books for a buck. The only limit? Shelf space and arm strength.

Last weekend, I showed tremendous restraint and only bought a modest ten books. (Ok, less restraint and more that my parking spot was really far away … and a busy day prevented multiple trips). Let’s not get into the fact that my must-read list is out of the control at the moment. And by “at the moment” I mean “always”.

There’s a lot of overlap with this haul. Obviously, we need a crude Venn diagram:

NOTE: the ✔️indicates that I’ve read the book.

Here we go:


by David Herbert Donald

Believe it or not, I read an Abraham Lincoln biography long before I started doodling while I read. One of our most celebrated presidents doesn’t even have a full entry in any of my eight presidential sketchbooks!

A Promised Land

by Barack Obama

Like Lincoln, I read about Obama before I started keeping a sketchbook! Unlike Lincoln, technically the Obama books in my bibliography don’t “count”. They were both written by him before he was president. I’m counting them anyhow, since I made up my rules after I read about him.

This has been on my must-read list since it came out. I am even more excited to dive into now that I discovered the beautiful full color photos inside. (gasp!)


by Michelle Obama

I’ve been dying to read this one as well. This one has full color photos, too. Eeek!! Can’t wait.

Side note: With both Obamas’ books sporting full-color photography, I checked. They have the same publisher. Did you know that Betty and Gerald Ford got a package deal for their books? The expectation was that the far more popular Betty would outsell her husband. The deal was structured so there would be no way to know who made more money. That didn’t stop Betty from giving Gerald a “BET MY BOOK OUTSELLS YOURS” t-shirt. I don’t know (or care) if the Obamas got a package deal. Cramming this fact in just because.


by Ron Chernow

I bought this one because of the author.

Leadership: In Turbulent Times

by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Spoiler: two Roosevelts make appearances! It also stars Abe Lincoln and Goodwin’s former boss, LBJ.

I Rose Like a Rocket: The Political Education of Theodore Roosevelt

by Paul Grondahl

It hardly seems necessary that I need to read yet another book about the mustachioed manchild … and yet, this one was written by a local author so when you get down to it I really didn’t have a choice.

Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies

by Mary Lynn Kotz & J.B. West

West was a White House usher from Theodore Roosevelt’s time through the Nixons. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis said of him “I think he is one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met.” That settled it for me, so I added this to the pile.

Roosevelt’s Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage

by Joseph E. Persico

I am currently reading Roosevelt Sweeps Nation, by David Pietrusza — my third FDR book. It hardly seems like I need a fourth and yet here we are.

FDR’s Deadly Secret

by Steven Lomazow, MD & Eric Fettmann

Oh, look. A fifth book about FDR. But my first presidential biography written by a neurologist.

The Roosevelts and the Royals: Franklin and Eleanor, the King and Queen of England, and the Friendship That Changed History

by Will Swift

Aaaaaaaaaand #6. Enough is enough. But having stumbled upon this book on the day of King Charles’ coronation, it seemed far too coincidental for me not to buy it. Plus, I’m curious to learn more about “hot dog diplomacy”. Maybe I’ll pair this reading with another visit to Hyde Park.

All but two of these books can be found in my Bookshop, if you want to learn more or snag a copy!

What about you?

Have you read any of these? Comment below to let me know what you thought … and if I should move any of these to the top of my list.

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

10 favorite things from my latest book


10 Vice Presidential Grave Facts