FLASH BACK: February 28, 1844

Former President John Quincy Adams was invited to float down the Potomac aboard the USS Princeton with several hundred fancy high-ranking government officials (and other important people) to see the “Peacemaker” in action. As its name obviously implies, the “Peacemaker” was a big-ass-long-range-wrought-iron gun. (I imagine it was primarily loaded with testosterone.)

Luckily, JQA declined the invitation. When fired one too many times, the “Peacemaker” exploded, killing a bunch of people. Among the dead were President John Tyler’s Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of State, an enslaved man, and Senator Gardiner. Our newly widowed 54-year-old president was aboard but unharmed.* It’s possible he was below deck flirting with Julia, Senator Gardiner’s 22-year-old daughter.

FLASH FORWARD: A few months later, President Tyler married Julia. They had a bunch of kids, adding to Tyler’s already-substantial brood… bringing his total to 15. They lived happily ever after. The end.

*It would have been a hot mess if Tyler had died. I mean… a hotter mess than it already was. Tyler was only president because President William Henry Harrison died. At the time, we didn’t even have a plan for what to do when a president died in office. Tyler set the precedent, but himself didn’t have a VP … so… that would have put Willie Person Mangum at the helm. In short, if a giant cannon named “Peacemaker” killed the president, a guy whose name is a simple anagram of a type of gun (magnum) would have succeeded him.

Doodle from John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life by Paul C. Nagel


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Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

Millard Fillmore was a trash president. Change my mind.
